Power exchange relationships - 6.4.25


Where and when

The Mezzanine at The GSpot Adult Variety Store

Factory 7/234 Frankston-Dandenong Rd.,

Dandenong South

Sunday, 6 April,

Time: 1pm – 3pm (may last a bit longer) 

Book Now

Where and when

The Mezzanine at The GSpot Adult Variety Store

Factory 7/234 Frankston-Dandenong Rd.,

Dandenong South

Sunday, 6 April,

Time: 1pm – 3pm (may last a bit longer) 

Where and when

The Mezzanine at The GSpot Adult Variety Store

Factory 7/234 Frankston-Dandenong Rd.,

Dandenong South

Sunday, 6 April,

Time: 1pm – 3pm (may last a bit longer) 

Power exchange relationships are fundamentally different from typical or normative relationships. Just as there is no one right way to be a dominant or a submissive, there are equally many ways power exchange relationships can function. All of them however, at least the successful ones, originate from deep introspection of the individuals involved and detailed planning of the relationship. This skillshare will cover some questions which would encourage such introspection and provide ideas for structuring your own power exchange relationship.

This skillshare will cover:

·         Analysing your personal desire to dominate or submit

·         Identifying qualities of your potential submissive or dominant

·         Pitfalls of compromise

·         Some suggestions for setting up a power exchange structure

·         How to create and maintain the right headspace outside of a structured play scene

·         How to ask for what you want, without appearing demanding? (for submissives)

·         How to ask for what you want, without appearing weak, stupid, arrogant (you can insert your own self-deprecating adjective here) (for dominants)

·         How to ensure a calm environment without compromising your power exchange relationship 

·         Finding and using a mentor


This skillshare is appropriate for:

Couples or singles who are new to power exchange relationships or planning to engage in one.

Your presenter

RednBlack (call me Red, everyone does), has been part of the Melbourne scene from 2007. Former co-owner of Splinter and Splinter skillshares and current owner of FETLOSOPHY podcast and FETLOSOPHY sensual candles, Red has been involved in many long-term power exchange relationships, learning from successes as well as challenges. In her professional career she has more than 20 years of experience in creating and presenting seminars and group discussions, in Australia and overseas.

Where and when

The Mezzanine at The GSpot Adult Variety Store
Factory 7/234 Frankston-Dandenong Rd.,
Dandenong South

Sunday, 6 April, Time: 1pm – 3pm.  Please arrive 15 minutes before the start time (12:45pm) to complete registration if you have purchased a ticket or to purchase one if you haven’t.

Cost: $25

Tickets can be purchased at fetlosophy.com or at The GSpot Adult Variety Store by cash or EFT on the day of the skillshare. Please note that this skillshare is limited to 20 attendees. If you haven’t purchased your ticket prior to the day of the skillshare, you may be turned away at the door. If you prefer to make a booking and pay at the door, please contact us. Clicking ‘going’ on the event listing does not constitute a booking.