Planning, preparing and managing a play scene - 6.6.25


Where and when

The Mezzanine at The GSpot Adult Variety Store
Factory 7/234 Frankston-Dandenong Rd.,
Dandenong South

Sunday, 6 June, Time: 1pm – 3pm .  Please arrive 15 minutes before the start time (12:45pm) to complete registration if you have purchased a ticket or to purchase one if you haven’t.

Cost: $25

Tickets can be purchased at or at The GSpot Adult Variety Store by cash or EFT.

***Please note that this skillshare is limited to 20 attendees. If you haven’t purchased your ticket prior to the day of the skillshare, you may be turned away at the door. If you prefer to make a booking and pay at the door please contact us.

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Where and when

The Mezzanine at The GSpot Adult Variety Store
Factory 7/234 Frankston-Dandenong Rd.,
Dandenong South

Sunday, 6 June, Time: 1pm – 3pm .  Please arrive 15 minutes before the start time (12:45pm) to complete registration if you have purchased a ticket or to purchase one if you haven’t.

Cost: $25

Tickets can be purchased at or at The GSpot Adult Variety Store by cash or EFT.

***Please note that this skillshare is limited to 20 attendees. If you haven’t purchased your ticket prior to the day of the skillshare, you may be turned away at the door. If you prefer to make a booking and pay at the door please contact us.

Where and when

The Mezzanine at The GSpot Adult Variety Store
Factory 7/234 Frankston-Dandenong Rd.,
Dandenong South

Sunday, 6 June, Time: 1pm – 3pm .  Please arrive 15 minutes before the start time (12:45pm) to complete registration if you have purchased a ticket or to purchase one if you haven’t.

Cost: $25

Tickets can be purchased at or at The GSpot Adult Variety Store by cash or EFT.

***Please note that this skillshare is limited to 20 attendees. If you haven’t purchased your ticket prior to the day of the skillshare, you may be turned away at the door. If you prefer to make a booking and pay at the door please contact us.

Planning, preparing and managing a play scene


There are many forms of play, each with its own intention and challenges. In all of them safe words and limits are respected of course, but the intention is different. There is the ‘edging’, in which you get the bottom as close as possible to a yellow light and keep them there for as long as you can. There is play purely for esthetical reasons, where you use your bottom’s body to make art. There is a play where the intention is the bring your bottom into subspace quickly and keep them there. Alternatively there is play that is designed for not allowing them to sink into subspace, teasing and frustrating them as you go. And there is my favourite, play for purely selfish reasons, where you do what you feel like to your bottom for your own pleasure.

Identifying your intention will give you the desired outcome, or the end point, from which to plan and prepare your scene. Preparations can include:

prescribing a specific diet for your bottom,

clearing the right amount of time,

creating a clear list of topics for negotiation,

manage expectations in terms of aftercare,

and preparing the right tools, equipment and supplies.


It might look like a lot of work for a brief spanking for instance. But doing it from the start will give you a solid foundation for more sophisticated play scenes in the future.


This skillshare is appropriate for:

Everyone, new and old, experienced or just starting out.

Your presenter

RednBlack (call me Red, everyone does), has been part of the Melbourne scene from 2007. Former co-owner of Splinter and Splinter skillshares and current owner of FETLOSOPHY.COM, book, skillshares, and sensual candles. In her professional career she has more than 20 years of experience in creating and presenting seminars and group discussions, in Australia and overseas.