Service - 25.5.25


Where and when

The Mezzanine at The GSpot Adult Variety Store
Factory 7/234 Frankston-Dandenong Rd.,
Dandenong South

Sunday, 25 May, Time: 1pm – 3pm .  Please arrive 15 minutes before the start time (12:45pm) to complete registration if you have purchased a ticket or to purchase one if you haven’t.

Cost: $25

Tickets can be purchased at or at The GSpot Adult Variety Store by cash or EFT.

***Please note that this skillshare is limited to 20 attendees. If you haven’t purchased your ticket prior to the day of the skillshare, you may be turned away at the door. If you prefer to make a booking and pay at the door please contact us.

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Where and when

The Mezzanine at The GSpot Adult Variety Store
Factory 7/234 Frankston-Dandenong Rd.,
Dandenong South

Sunday, 25 May, Time: 1pm – 3pm .  Please arrive 15 minutes before the start time (12:45pm) to complete registration if you have purchased a ticket or to purchase one if you haven’t.

Cost: $25

Tickets can be purchased at or at The GSpot Adult Variety Store by cash or EFT.

***Please note that this skillshare is limited to 20 attendees. If you haven’t purchased your ticket prior to the day of the skillshare, you may be turned away at the door. If you prefer to make a booking and pay at the door please contact us.

Where and when

The Mezzanine at The GSpot Adult Variety Store
Factory 7/234 Frankston-Dandenong Rd.,
Dandenong South

Sunday, 25 May, Time: 1pm – 3pm .  Please arrive 15 minutes before the start time (12:45pm) to complete registration if you have purchased a ticket or to purchase one if you haven’t.

Cost: $25

Tickets can be purchased at or at The GSpot Adult Variety Store by cash or EFT.

***Please note that this skillshare is limited to 20 attendees. If you haven’t purchased your ticket prior to the day of the skillshare, you may be turned away at the door. If you prefer to make a booking and pay at the door please contact us.


Not what you think

Service is this amorphous thing between a dominant and a submissive that an outsider can’t really understand. It’s different for everyone, like a language that nobody else speaks and sometimes doesn’t even see. The things one does for another person can only be called service when both agree that it is. Washing someone’s car can become criminal if the recipient doesn’t know you even exist. On the other hand gazing into another person’s eyes when they do all sort of weird things to you, can be the best service you can provide.

How to prompt, receive and provide these activities at every stage of a developing relationship will be the topic of this skillshare.

This skillshare is appropriate for:

Couples or singles who are interested in power exchange or service on any level.

Your presenter

RednBlack (call me Red, everyone does), has been part of the Melbourne scene from 2007. Former co-owner of Splinter and Splinter skillshares and current owner of FETLOSOPHY.COM book, skillshares, and sensual candles. In her professional career she has more than 20 years of experience in creating and presenting seminars and group discussions, in Australia and overseas.


Where and when

The Mezzanine at The GSpot Adult Variety Store
Factory 7/234 Frankston-Dandenong Rd.,
Dandenong South

Sunday, 25 May, Time: 1pm – 3pm.  Please arrive 15 minutes before the start time (12:45pm) to complete registration if you have purchased a ticket or to purchase one if you haven’t.

Cost: $25

Tickets can be purchased at or at The GSpot Adult Variety Store by cash or EFT on the day of the skillshare. Please note that this skillshare is limited to 20 attendees. If you haven’t purchased your ticket prior to the day of the skillshare, you may be turned away at the door. If you prefer to make a booking and pay at the door, please contact us. Clicking ‘going’ on the event listing does not constitute a booking.